Hello my name is Tonimarie Howland, I started working for Jeff at Jeff’s Power Washing a little over a month ago. When I started for the company I knew very little about power washing to be honest I always thought Power Washing was a very easy no brainer thing to be done. Well I was very wrong about that in this short period I have learned that there is so much more that goes into washing a home, roof, commercial building, deck and many other things that actually get washed(so were to my surprise) .
There is a whole science that is behind making sure you have cleaned the property and also have not caused any damage to it at the same time.
For instincts cleaning a roof and cleaning a home :
When you clean a roof you cannot use PRESSURE while washing the roof you have to use the Soft Wash method also you don’t just use soap and water you must use the proper chemicals and the proper amount. The chemical is what will kill and remove the Black Algae, Mold, Moss, Lichen and also the stains on your ROOF. If you apply pressure to the roof you will be sure to damage the roof’s shingles, also the landscaping and even a chance of damaging the siding of the home. Besides that the roof has a warranty that can be voided by applying pressure.
House Washing is done depending on the siding of your home or business. Washing your home will increase the value, remove the harmful molds, dirt, grime, and dusts, also it will increase the life of the exterior part of the home. I honestly never even knew it was that important to wash the outside of your home never mind all that goes in to it and how often your home should be washed.
So with all that being said I have a whole new look on the power washing business. You’re never too old to learn new things and I was very surprised how hard it is to clean a home, roof, side walk, etc., But I have a great deal of respect for those men and women who are in the power washing profession and give them a lot more credit now that I have seen both sides of the business from a customer and as an Exterior cleaning professionals point of view. .